Three months ago, my job partner’s daughter got “tipes”. Whats that? If you were Indonesian people, you knew that is Indonesian name for Typhoid fever. she appeared to feel weak and sore when I touch her stomach. Is it a dangerous disease?
Typhoid fever is acute alimentary tract infections caused by bacteria. Salmonella typhi and Salmonella partyphi are bacteria that cause typhoid fever. Actually “tipes” name is taken from “tifus” , a desease caused by Ricketsia. However, caused the signs and symptoms are same, Typhoid be called tifus (the meaning of –oid is same). Typhoid fever is transmitted through the fecal-oral.
What are signs and symptoms of typhoid fever
- Remitten fever
Whats it mean remitten? Remitten fever is fever that shows significants variations in 24 hours without return to normal temperature. Typically typhoid fever is high temperature when after midday until night, the morning, temperature gets down. Temperature of fever getting up slowly Onset fever is 10-14 days.
- Abdominal pain
Why do typhoid patient get abdominal pain? Salmonella typhi has O somatic antigen and HH flagella antigen. In intestine Salmonella penetrates into ileum then catched by mononuclear cell. In Retyculoendotelial system, salmonella gets replication. Interaction between Salmonella and macrofag makes inflammation mediators. So patch of payer in intestinal wall get hyperplasia, necrosis and ulcer. It can be intestinal wound. So patient feel stomach pain.
- Gi tract signs
Diarrhoe, constipation, vomit. They are caused by malfunction of intestine.
- in second week. We can find dirty tongue, white plaque in middle tongue and red light on the tongue edge.
- many cases, we can find red spot on chest skin
- liver and spleen enlargement
treatment and therapy for typhoid
- bed rest, 3 weeks minimum
- antibiotic. Cefotaxim, chloramphenicol, erytromicin. The drug of choice is Chloramphenicol. For women who is get menorrhea, used erytromycin.
- Healthy carriers should be excluded from handling food.
- don’t eat more fiber, ex vegetables and fruit!!!!!! FORBIDDEN.
If Salmonella can inside into gallbladder, the patient can be the carrier of disease.