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Saturday, April 4, 2009

Carcinoma Thyroid

patient carcinoma thyroid

Carcinoma Thyroid is including the violence with relatively good prognosis. Although it has been agreed that thyroidectomy is the first step must be done in carcinoma thyroid treatment, at this time there is no agreement how best form of treatment of Carcinoma Thyroid suspected malignant goitre.

According to the WHO thyroid epitel malignant divided to be:
1. follicular carcinoma
2. papillary carcinoma
3. medullar carcinoma
4. anaplastic

papillar carcinoma thyroid

Clinical suspicion of thyroid carcinoma based on the observation that pathologies confirmed with the examination, the suspicion is divided in high, medium and low.
A. High
- Historical multiple endocrine neoplasm in family
- Rapid growth of neoplasm cell
- Hard nodule when palpated
- The area around the fixation
- Paralysis vocal cords
- enlarging lymphanody regional
- The remote metastasis
B. Medium
- Age less than 20 years old or over 60 years
- History neck radiation
- Male with solitary nodule
- Diameter greater than 4 cm and cystic
C. Low
- In addition to the above mentioned

There are Clinical symptoms frequently found
- The emphasis of organ
- Interference and pain swallow
- Difficult to breathe
- Hoarse voice
- Limphadenopathy neck

Metastasis which is most often in the lungs, bones and heart.

thyroid carcinoma prognosis depends on:
- Type of carcinoma
- metastasis or not
- Age
- Sex (number of women have a better life)
- Genecology DNA tumour

how to diagnostic


A. Operation
- total Thyroidectomy (recommended)
- partial Thyroidectomy / nodulektomy / lubektomy
B. radiation
1. external
- for carcinoma thyroid residues with large and may not be operating
- Using cobalt-60
2. Internal
- using radioactive iodine
C. Chemotherapy
- for anaplastic carcinoma
- Using adriamisin single dose or combination with cyspaltinum
D. Hormonal
- To press the TSH allegedly had a role in stimulating proliferation of growth cells malignant


Anonymous said...

wow scary pic

Irhams said...

Salam kenal dari tulungagung timur..

dokter monte said...

aku dah follow your blog nih...

Shirley Donalds said...

I'm a thyroid patient, too and I take desiccated thyroid. I agree that thyroid disease is one of the worst diseases anyone can have. The good news is that, with natural supplements , there is hope.


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